Simply committing and recording your time on jobs will make timesheets feature your firm's norm. Bolster your team's confidence in completing the assignments effectively and achieving success rates.
Timesheet & Billing
Meet deadlines effectively by managing time spent on jobs
Whether your team is working from an office or remotely, the timesheet feature in Guide to Work allows you to keep a record of your employees' working hours. The timesheet will enable you to document the time spent on respective jobs allowing the managers to review the time spent by each team member on jobs assigned.
Timesheets also help you identify any bottlenecks in your jobs and resolve them quickly. Timesheets help managers make decisions about billable hours and actions. The managers get a comprehensive view of how and how much time was spent on each job.

Timesheets and Payroll
Timesheets are essential to the payroll process. Team members use timesheets to record time spent on a job assigned by their managers. This work time helps to pay them accurately. This feature allows the managers to consider various aspects such as their team member's time cards, spending period, hourly rate, regular hours, overtime hours, non billable hours and mileage log. Team members can submit their timesheets weekly, biweekly, monthly or bimonthly.
Time Sheets and Billing Clients
Time logs are also helpful for billing your clients while keeping track of the job's progress. If your firm relies on billing clients for your time spent on particular jobs, you need to record how much time to charge them. Timesheets gives you these detail so you can mention exactly what you did on a specific job. This allows you to bill your clients hourly, per job, or as a retainer. Timesheets can be used as the standard to keep your clients informed about job progress.